My recommendation for updating:
- Go to Settings ➜ Turn Airplane Mode ON
backup your phone in iTunes
- By turning Airplane mode on, this reduces the chance of getting interrupted by a phone call, text, or push notification
- It’s also is a lot faster
backup your phone in iTunes
Very cool example of what can be done using HTML5
We are back and better than ever! Ok, we’re right around at the same place we were two days ago. But we’re back and better than ever!
Thanks to Squarespace support, they have always responded to my questions and issues wicked fast, like within 20 minutes usually…no pressure. But they got on the problem right away and it was resolved this morning. It’s all good.
Things might look a bit different around here. I apologize but we had a little problem recently and a good portion of the backend information that creates the look and feel of this site was damaged and removed. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are parts of the code of websites that are used to define how elements of a site looks to the user. Things like how this text will show up, the font, the size, whether links show up underlined or not, etc. We had a problem with the CSS for this site.
For the time being, until the problem has been fixed, I will be taking parts of this site down. Hopefully we’ll up and running soon.
Please subscribe to the RSS feed for updates, thanks again.